At Home Summer Camp!

You're already familiar with our family's love of a good bucket lists, but in the summa summa summa time I like to add a little something extra!

In the spirit of a camp, I create badges that the kids can earn and add to their pennant once accomplished! The good thing about the badges is that they aren't a one & done activity! They are things they can participate in over the course of summer break and earn throughout. They really look forward to pinning them onto their pennant. 

Some examples of what we have done in the past include:

1. A summer book club. We all agree on a fun book to read each summer. I do try to steer them toward the classics. So far we've read Because of Winn Dixie and Tuck Everlasting. This year will be Little Women. We all read a set amount of chapters each week, come together, & discuss. If we finish the book early and they want to squeeze in another we'll choose a more current read like Front Desk. Also, Grandma does a long-distance virtual Book Club with the grandkiddo's, too. They love it!

2. A movie series. We pick a series of movies we have yet to see and watch them over the course of the summer as a family. Last year's choice was Harry Potter! The girls were at the perfect age to understand them especially the last few that were a little darker themed.

3. Keep up a journal. It can be a circle journal, a nature journal, a grateful journal or any journal you know your kiddo would love as a keepsake in the future. 

4. Make a scrapbook. Using their polaroids and some of the photos I've taken, they create an end-of-summer scrapbook! 

5. Road trip! We usually have at least one vacation during the summer (usually July 4th) and with that we complete some fun activities on the way like play the license plate game, get gas station donuts, write our name with sparklers, etc. You can tailor your mini-list to your liking :)

6. Recitals! One of my daughter's is a musician and the other a dancer so they each have summer recitals. It works out perfectly as one of their earned badges. 

7. Take a class on OutSchool. I like to sign the girls up for a fun camp-style workshop online for those lazy afternoons after they've played and swam all day. Typically they choose a fun Animal Crossing class, but there are so many great ones to choose from!

The list can go on and on! When it's complete, they usually hang it on the fun cork board in their bedroom or near their desk space.

Continue on down below for supplies needed...

The supplies I use are (click the links below):

- Computer Paper
- Design Program (Canva is a great one!)

And at the end of summer they have a cute little display of their fun summertime memories! t gives them something to look forward to, keeps their brains busy, and gives mama some space on those dog days of summer :) 

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