Materials: 8X13 Sketch paper, markers, pens, printer, camera
Our last project was a silly one. This assignment was found on Art Camp Studio, also, but for free. Follow the link for more images because there is tons of inspiration on that page.
Her inspiration was Suzy Ultman, a mixed media artist, so we went ahead and furthered our research by browsing her website.
To begin, I did not tell the kids what we were doing. I just took photos of them, changed them to black and white, printed them, and cut out everything but their faces.
To get them curious, I simply hung the bald heads up on the board and didn't say a word. When they finally noticed they cracked up laughing. It was a sight to see, but I assured them it would all come together cutely in the end. Thankfully, they trusted me. :)
Using Suzy Ultman's website as a guide, they browsed around and decided which hairdo they'd choose for themselves. Ultman has a lot of free printables that are worth the look. Our favorite was the "Hello Friend Coloring Page," which gave us plenty of inspiration in the hair and shirt department.
In the end, the kids appreciated how futuristic it was. They chose the stars, hearts, planets, and swirls to adorn their hair and backgrounds.
It was hard for them to not want to make the project look like they do in reality, but the point was to let them explore and take them away from focusing on 'perfection' and force them to break free of that realism thinking. They got to go wild and use silly colors and weirdo designs.
If you decide to do any of the projects, be sure to share them with us over at the HAPPY HEART LEARNING group on Facebook!
Also, please let me know if any of the links aren't working correctly and I'll be sure to fix them!
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