Virtual Field Trip Guide

As homeschoolers, we love hopping in the car, or on a plane to see things first hand, but that isn't always possible, so, sometimes, we take virtual field trips! 

Each trip the kids take, they complete a summary of what they saw and enjoyed. Each summary is, then, turned into a guide.

Slide 2 has several links that take the kids directly to 100's of options of where they can explore! 

The first page asks them specific questions, whereas, the next asks them to share 5 cool facts that they learned and want to share.

On the last page, they add a picture that relates to where they visited. Sometimes they'll take a simple screenshot. Other times, they'll find one in Google images.

On this particular day, they chose to take a tour of The White House in D.C.

Another day, they visited Anne Frank's Secret Annex.

It's a fantastic way for them to take learning into their own hands, and have a say in what they want to explore in a fun way!

To get a copy of the Virtual Field Trip Guide for yourself, click below:

Link to Virtual Field Trip Guide

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