Summer Book Club 2023: The Strangers

Another summer book club has come and gone, but that's okay! I've made my guide available for FREE to share with you!

This year's selection was The Strangers, a mysterious, sci-fi novel.

The kids had a blast predicting the plot twists and unexpected turns in this novel. Each week, we created a schedule of which chapters we'd read. The kids had discussion questions to respond to over the week, and then, we met up in Zoom to chat "in person." They shared predictions, their favorite part, and asked questions of their own to the group. I also provided Trivia questions that they enjoyed.

Google classroom is my preferred choice for us to gather, but you can use the slides in whatever way is convenient for you.
Click here to get your own guide HERE for free.
Below is a glimpse at everything included!

Press play on the video below.

To see other book club guides, click HERE and HERE.

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