Book Club: Bridge to Terabithia

Somewhere along the way, I thought this novel had a Sixth Sense-type plot, so I became curious and added it to our curriculum. Without giving any spoilers, I'll say I was wrong. I read this novel in one sitting. With less than 200 pages, the story is jam-packed with deep-thinking content, and while the age range is suggested for 9-12-year-olds, this 40+-year-old absolutely loved it.

The activities we selected, in addition to direct book discussions, were all carefully chosen to align with the novel's themes and ideas. We delved into the life of Jacque Cousteau, visualized the world of Terabithia, explored the four stages of grief, and even took on the role of our own version of Dear Abby. These activities not only enhance student learning but also foster engaging and insightful discussions. 

Help yourself to a copy of the assignments to accompany the novel.

Click here :)

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